about kodeak

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learn more about kodeak

Kodeak digital marketing team

i live my life a quarter mile at a time, and for those ten seconds or less, I'm free

Kodeak logo bear

Kodeak has been in business for over a decade now, though we have had our hands in marketing & design long before. Coming from bigger companies, Tony & Jared knew what to do and the pitfalls to avoid when it came to growing a brand. We started this company to provide business owners and marketing directors with the ability to have a one-stop-shop for all of their marketing and website needs. Perhaps one of the biggest hassles companies have to deal with is constantly communicating with multiple 3rd party agencies or freelancers to get simple things handled on a website or a marketing campaign. With Kodeak, you have one call to make. You speak with someone in our local office and we take care of it. Hosting & website security issues, website edits, new marketing strategies & funnels all are just a few services we provide our clients.

We want to meet you in person, shake your hand, learn about your business, and create a plan together. We aren’t handing your project off to some freelancer who isn’t completely familiar with you and your business goals and we would never outsource your project overseas to save time/cost. We don’t believe in doing business that way and our clients appreciate that. If we feel we cannot return on your investment, we decline the job. Simple.

meet the team

we put our pants on just like you
one leg at a time… most of the time anyway
Jared Goss

Jared Goss

Co-founder & Marketing Director

I am the co-founder and manager of Kodeak. I have been in business development, sales, and marketing for over 20 years. I am Google certified advertiser, an SEO expert, and the lead developer for Kodeak. I have two beautiful daughters and an amazing, loving, and supportive wife (she’s gorgeous too). I am a nerd to the core. I love what I do. I love creating something that makes others’ lives easier and others’ businesses more successful.
Jared Goss of Kodeak
Tony Diorio

Tony Diorio

Co-Founder & Creative Director

Everyone thought I was crazy when I told them I was leaving Apple to start Kodeak. “Put in another 25 years and you’re set!”, even hearing that today makes me cringe. There was no way I was going to live my life doing something I wasn’t in love with. Now, 10 years after starting Kodeak, my aim is to be the best husband to my wife, Aimee, the best dad to my son, Enzo, while being greatest agency partner to our clients.
Tony Diorio of Kodeak
Noah Hensley

Noah Hensley

Lead Visual Designer

My adoration for design first sprouted in my heart when I was a young sapling. From there it grew into a bodacious tree that has stretched into an expansive blue sky with a multitude of branches traversing out in a variety of directions. Where will these branches go? Nobody truly knows.
Noah Hensley of Kodeak
Daniel Ziffer

Daniel Ziffer

Front End Developer

A creative at heart, I marry compelling visuals with a purposeful, science-based roadmap for growth. I’m an expert troubleshooter and enjoy helping clients identify the roads less traveled, leading businesses to new leads and opportunities.
Daniel Ziffer

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